A clear quartz crystal has been given a "mood" bath and now sparkles and shines with a range of colors shifting from a firey rusty orange through to a lovely cobalt blue. The colors shift with changes in temperature, both from your body and your environment.
The quartz has been treated on the back with a color changing pigment and sealed in resin. Seven hand cut flowers are pinned in place with silver beads and they dance and spin atop the stone.
I don't love the traditional meanings attributed to the colors of a mood stone, so I'm leaving it up to you to decide!
On an 18" sterling satellite bead chain with a handmade S clasp. Pendant measures approximately 1.25" long (including the bail) and just under 1" wide at its widest point.
Please note, the stone CAN NOT get wet! Water will permanently damage the color-change of the stone, so do not wear the pendant while showering, swimming or otherwise submerging in water. It will (literally) "kill the mood".