Maggie's Butterfly
Maggie's Butterfly
Sterling silver, 24k Gold
In 2018 I received an email from Shavone, who had some questions about a monarch locket I'd recently made. We had several pleasant exchanges regarding the length of the chain and the addition of a little plaque inside that read "In Memory of Maggie" But I didn't know the WHY behind her selection of this piece- I didn't know why it resonated.
Once she received the pendant, she let me know the significance of it, and her story absolutely rocked me.
When I asked her recently if I could share it, she said this:
"You are more than welcome to share my story. It will help ME to remember it! Every time I wear my locket I feel that she is with me. Her courage and strength has never ceased to amaze me."
This beautiful story gives me goosebumps. Here is the original email Shavone sent me when she received her locket.
"Received my beautiful butterfly and am thrilled! My niece Maggie lost her battle with Cystic Fibrosis at 19 and asked us to remember her every time we see a butterfly.
I saw the first butterfly on a cold November day in Bosnia Herzegovina (on the day she died), under a statue of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje. I felt such a sense of peace when that creature flew by. I knew she was in a better place.
The amazing thing is, I did not know at the time about her wish to be remembered when spying a butterfly!
I was not expecting any miracles on my pilgrimage to Bosnia, nor am I a particularly religious person, but I will never forget the moment when the Blessed Mother made sure I knew she was in the arms of a loving mother again.
Upon returning to the US I told my bereaved sister in law about my experience. She gasped and then told me what Maggie had asked of her. My sweet Maggie was buried in her butterfly pajamas with her butterfly quilt.
Miracles do happen."